BeYou Interviews, INC

Teaching  teens how to confidently share their unique story in order to stand out in any interview.


During the FREE 1:1 Consultation:

  • You and your teen meet 1:1 with Jen to find out how interview prep can be a game changer in any application process!

  • Find out what interviewers are looking for!

  • Find out what NOT to do in your next interview!

      BeYou Interviews is for you!  Let's Meet!

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Jen Herrera has been interviewing people for more than 20 years and knows what makes a good interview. She’s now sharing her decades of experience with teenagers. Jen started her career in her hometown of Miami, Florida.

While working as a reporter for the ABC affiliate WPLG Local 10, she quickly rose through the ranks based on her ability to build trust with her audience and good relationships with her colleagues.

Her most impactful interviews were those she conducted while in Cuba, covering Pope Benedict the XVI's visit in 2012.

Jen spent 15 years at ABC before heading to NBC’s WTVJ. There she hosted a lifestyle entertainment show where she interviewed live guests daily. Most of these interviews were with celebrities and athletes.

Ask Jen and she will tell you, interviewing celebrities is no different than interviewing anybody else! And even celebs aren’t always the best at being interviewed!

Book Your Free Consultation

Want to know what questions will likely be asked in your interview?

BeYou Interviews is for you! Let's Meet! With our expert guidance, your teen will gain the confidence and skills needed to stand out.

Book Your Free Consultation